Monday, May 14, 2012

"The Order" is Now Available on Createspace!

In the self-publishing world, there are many sites to choose from.  I have been using and I have really enjoyed their user interface and the QUALITY of their product.  But, that quality comes at a cost.

I have recently discovered that Createspace (part of Amazon) also offers self-publishing at a lower cost. So, I am going to give it a spin and see what happens.  With some minor formatting changes, a new cover and a new ISBN, The Order is now available in paperback on Createspace for only $8.77! Click on the link below to order your copy!

One drawback for Createspace is that they do not offer a hardback option.  So, if you want a hard cover copy, you will need to visit my store.

One plus for Createspace is that my book will now be available to purchase on (in 5-7 business days, so keep checking back!). My hope is to see if that brings in more readers and fans than listing on Lulu alone.

So, time will tell.  But right now, you can find my novel in both locations, and hopefully soon on, IBookstore, and Barnes and Noble Nook Stores (all these options are currently in the "pending approval" stage).

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